Aramid cable, aramid cable supplier, role of aramid cable
[Professional manufacturers analyze the aramid cables for you!]
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Professional manufacturers analyze the aramid cables for you!

Advantages of aramid cable: high tensile strength / low elongation / high breaking strength / temperature resistance performance / insulation performance / corrosion resistance

Use of aramid cables: slings, suspension cables, paratrooper cables, etc .; large special ships, military cables, suitable for low and high temperature operations (-℃-℃), cables, electrical engineering operations, marine and special operations pH is PH -PH is not damaged in the inorganic solution.

Binzhou Hengfeng Chemical Fiber Products Co., Ltd. registered trademark "Hengfeng", the main products include: high-strength polypropylene filament, polypropylene color silk; ships, maritime marine ropes; safety protection, climbing, mountain climbing, fire rescue escape rope; aerospace, military Equipment ropes; chemical fiber nets and spreaders.

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