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[Fanglon cable training abs: two action recommendations!]
Release date:[9:39:13] Total access[562]Secondary

When it comes to exercising your abs, you'll recall crunches and crunches. But manual training can sometimes be a little inefficient, especially if you can already do it easily. What should I do then? Many friends will choose weights dumbbells to boost the strength of your abdominal muscles. In addition to these, we can also use an aramid rope to conduct abdominal training.

Action 1: lie on your back

1. Like the common supine roll, use the rectus abdominis to bring back the spine. The advantage of cable rope is that it can be used to increase weight and safety.

Lie on your back on the floor, bend your knees at 90 degrees and put your back flat on the floor. Grip the rope with both hands and pull up to the sides of the neck.

Exhale, abdominal muscles contract, slowly bend your spine upward, feel your abdominal muscles work hard, then breathe in, and slowly extend your abs back to the starting position.

4. Keep your hands on the rope and feel the rope and you become one.

Action two: kneel position roll abdomen

1. Connect the aramid rope to a pulley above the head, kneeling on your knees, grab the rope with your hands and hold the rope to your forehead.

Bend down and bend down to bend your back. Keep your head close to your knees, shrink your abs, roll your abdominal muscles down like a quilt, and feel your abdominal muscles curl together.

3. Maintain peak shrinkage at the lowest point of movement. Then stretch your abs and return to the starting position.

4. Make sure your abdominal muscles are involved in the whole movement, and you're mostly doing the action of bending the spine rather than the hip joint.

Cable experienced abdominal muscle, to achieve a certain effect, not only inseparable from the hard training, the quality of the cable also cannot be ignored, hengfeng aramid fiber rope, double the toughness, allowing you to easily enjoy the movement of every detail, in not since unknowingly practice big muscles.

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